Thursday, August 20, 2015

We Made It!

Yes, we made it through our first full day of school!  I was so excited this morning when EVERY single one of my students had their information forms for  me filled out.  I had to give them an extra treat, but I should be sending a treat home to you all for doing your "homework"!  :-)  Thank you so much for filling those out last night.  It makes things much easier for me to have that contact information at my fingertips.

So, on to business:
Tonight's Homework
Reading: Daily Warm-Ups  (both sides must be done)

*I know it seems early for homework, but I want to get the students acclimated to our homework routine.  That way, when it really matters after I really start getting into the curriculum, it won't be a shock.  I appreciate your help in making sure this gets done.

Class Dojo
I appreciate all the parents who have signed up for the Dojo.  I'm sure you are seeing the benefits of the instant communication of your child's progress during the day.  I have also enjoyed the messages I am getting using the app.  If you have not signed up, please do so when you have a chance.  My goal this year is 100%  participation.

So far the class together has earned over 400 positive points!  Not one point has had to be taken away.  I also got a good report from the PE teacher who even said that it was one of her best classes all day.  Let's keep it going, Room 403!

Thanks to everyone for a good start.  Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Welcome Back To School!!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome Back!  This is a place that I will update daily.  Here you will find daily homework and special announcements.  If you are reading this, then your child did their first homework assignment which was to show you the welcome back letter.  There should also be an information sheet for you to fill out.  This is just in case I need to reach you if there is an emergency or any issues that need to be discussed.

I'm hoping that you will all download the Dojo app and set up an account with the code your child
brought home today.  This is the best way to communicate with me.  Right now I am unable to access my voice mail, so if you have any questions or concerns, using email or the Dojo will be your best bet.

I know it's going to be a great year!  I am looking forward to working with your child.  Feel free to leave a comment below.  :-)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday, May 18

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 32 sentences
  • Math: Circled problems from Geometry Packet
Tomorrow begins our final round of MAP testing.  We will begin with reading at 8:15.  If your child has any time after they finish their homework, please have them review some on Compass Learning Reading.  Thanks!

Enjoy the beautiful weather, everyone!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday, May 13

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 32 workbook pages
  • Math:  Finish the packet practicing measurement word problems
We officially started working on our cursive today.  I was pleasantly pleased with the results of the pretest.  However, there is some work to do.  Students have packets to use for practice in class.  They can practice at home.  You can easily find free handwriting practice to print if you would like.  :-)

Have a great afternoon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday, May 12

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Measurement Word Problems - #1-6 (Students may do more if they would like.)
  • Handwriting Pretest  (Please don't help them.  I want to see what they are doing on their own.)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday, May 11

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 32 sentences
  • Math:  Elapsed Time worksheet 2/3
The only thing going on this week is the Book Fair.  I'm not sure what day our students will be going, but if you want to send the money in a sealed envelope with the amount written on the front, I'll lock it in my cabinet.

Have a good afternoon.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy Friday!

The only homework I gave students this week end is to do at least 20 min on Compass Learning Reading and 20 min on Math (more if possible).

A few students have to finish a math assignment but most completed it in class.

Also, don't forget that Monday is Spring Pictures Day.

Finally, the book fair begins on Monday.  I'm not sure what day we will be able to shop, but you can send money if you would like, in a marked envelope and I'll lock it in the cabinet.

Enjoy the week end!