Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: TP 3-1  (Please make sure work is done on another sheet of paper along with the sentences for problem #8.)
  • Reading: Summarizing practice

That's it for now.  Short and sweet.  :-)  Have a good evening!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday Madness!

Hi everyone!

I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing week end.  Thank you to all of you that sent back the progress reports today.  I appreciate it.  If you haven't signed it yet, please do and send it back. I do need it separate from the top sheet.  That is my evidence that I am communicating with you about your child's progress.

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 6 sentences (the first workbook page was completed in class)
  • Reading: Summarizing worksheet (both sides)
  • Math: Practice 3-2  (They had a good amount of time to begin this in class.  Most should be almost done.)

Also, don't forget about the Lupus walk on October 17.  Notes were sent home on Friday giving information about this.  If you would like your child to participate, please fill out the form that should be in your child's folder and send it back with the correct amount of money.

Thanks for your help and support!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy Friday!

Hi everyone!

I did not assign any homework for the week end!  We had a great day and the class worked very hard.
However, since there is no homework, I would like each child to read for at least 20 - 30 minutes each day this week end.  :-)

Progress Reports are stapled in the Friday papers.  Please sign it and return it with the top sheet on Monday.

Finally, Monday is the final day to turn in field trip money and permission slips.

Have a wonderful week end!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Page 32 (Sets A, B, and C)  Students were given 30 min. in class to finish this.
Reading: Summarizing wkst 29
Study for spelling and GROW.  (Spelling workbook pages should have been completed in class.)

Other notes:
Field trip permission slips and money are due by Monday.  I have enough chaperones.  Thank you to everyone for responding.

Progress reports will be stapled in the Friday papers tomorrow.

Have a great afternoon, everyone!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24

Good afternoon!

Tonight's Homework
Math:  TP 2-3  (Please make sure students use sentences to explain how they rounded on the extended response.  I expect them to use the place value terminology we have been using in class.)
Reading: Read "Fad-tastic Fads" aloud to at least one person.  If possible, more than one person.  Please initial so they can earn a bonus ticket for the prize box.

We have been working on spelling in class, so I am not assigning the workbook pages.  Students should be close to finishing them.  Of course students may work ahead.

Field Trip Update
I want to thank the family members who signed up as chaperones.  Thank you so much for your willingness to help out.

I think that's it for now.  Thanks!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23

Hi Everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Rounding Number #2
Reading: "Fad-tastic Fads" (Main Idea Practice)

I did not officially assign spelling. That will come tomorrow, but students can work ahead.

Field Trip!!
Our first field trip of the year is coming up on October 16th.  We will be going to see a production of Mulan, Jr..  What makes this field trip even more special is the fact that one of Meadowview's 4th grade students from Room 4 will be in the cast!  The cost is $10, and I am looking for 2 chaperones from this class.  Unfortunately, the chaperone's will also need to pay.  The $10 covers the cost of the
ticket and transportation on the bus.  If you would like to chaperone, please indicate so on the permission slip.  I can only use the first 2 adults that sign up. We are asking that field trip permission slips and money be returned as soon as possible but no later than Monday, September 25th.   If a student is not paid by Monday they will not be able to attend.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on the Dojo or email.  Thanks and have a great afternoon!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy Monday!

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Spelling: Unit 5 - Choose 10 words and use them in complete sentences.  Make sure the sentences make it clear what the word means.
Math: Rounding Numbers worksheet
Reading: Finish Main Idea packet (We did the first page together along with several other examples in class.  Please ask your children to tell you what the topic of the paragraph is before they find the main idea. That will help them.)

Last Friday, your log in information for Power School was sent home.  You can log in at any time to see your child's grades and progress.  I try to update the grades over the weekends.

Progress Reports come home this Friday.

I think that's all for now.  Have a great afternoon!

Friday, September 19, 2014

It's the Week end!

Happy Friday everyone!

This week end, the only thing students need to do is finish their rounding problems in their workbook for lesson 2-3.  We worked on this in class, and I shared a new strategy of drawing a number line.  Students should have several examples in their notebook.  They only have to finish through #15, and I did #1-7 with them as examples.  I just don't want them to forget it, that's why I'm asking them to do the final problems over the week end.  Why don't you ask them to teach you our number line?  :-)

The only other thing is the top sheet.  Their graded papers for the week are in their folder.  Because it was a half day, I did not have a chance to grade their tests from today.  They will come home next week.  Please review their papers and sign the top sheet.

Thanks for everything and have a great week end!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, September 18

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: TP 2-2
Social Studies: Study for GROW
Spelling: Study for Unit 4 test

I didn't assign anything but math on purpose.  I really want students to study for GROW.  Progress Reports are coming out next week, and this will be the final GROW quiz that will be recorded before that happens.  We made flash cards this week so they can study easier.

Also, don't forget that tomorrow is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:15.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: TP 2-1 (Please make sure students follow directions and use sentences on the extended response.)
Spelling: Wkbk pages 33 and 34


  • The Book Fair is still going on until Friday.
  • Friday is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:15 am.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16

Good afternoon!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Counting Money worksheet
Reading: Main Idea Worksheet

We are doing spelling a little differently this week.  Yesterday, students wrote sentences for 10 of the words.  Tonight, I did not assign anything.  Tomorrow, I will assign the 2nd and 3rd pages in Unit 4.  I did tell the students they could work ahead if they would like tonight.

I think that's all for now.  The Book Fair is still going on, so if you would like to send money, go ahead.

Thanks for everything!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Picture Day!

Hi everyone!  Your children looked great for picture day! I can't wait to see all of the beautiful pictures!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Counting Money worksheet  (Both sides)
Spelling:  Choose 10 words and use them in complete sentences.  Please make sure the sentences show the meaning of the word.

The book fair is still going on.  Students can bring money to shop any day this week.

Have a great afternoon!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy Friday!

Good afternoon, everyone!

It was absolutely my intention to give no homework this week end.  However, again, we are having such difficulty following directions that we couldn't finish our math review.  It was 18 questions, and students had over 30 min. in class.  All they had to do was write the answers to the place value questions.  Students must finish whatever they did not finish in class.  This is page 17 (#2-19).

Other than that, please sign the top sheet on the Friday papers.  Some students need you to sign a test that is in their packet as well.

Other information:

  • Monday is Picture Day.  Students may dress out of uniform.
  • Monday also starts the book fair.  I do not know at this time what day will be our day to shop. If you would like to send money in a sealed envelope, I'll lock it in the cabinet overnight.  

I think that's it.  Have a great week end!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11

Tonight's Homework:

Study for Spelling and GROW
Finish Spelling workbook pages
Math: TP 1-6  (PLEASE help me by making sure your child answers #6 using complete sentences on another sheet of paper.  This is something they must do on the PARRC (formerly ISAT) exam in great detail.  I am trying to get them started with just 2 or 3 sentence answers.  Thank You!)

Thanks for everything!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 10

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Math:  TP 1-5  (TP stands for Test Practice.  This worksheet contains problems very similar to what students will see on the PARRC exam (formerly ISAT).  You will be seeing this type of Math homework more often now.  It is very short, but the last problem is always an extended response.  It must be answered using complete sentences.  Students will always have to explain something.  I also like this done on another sheet of paper since the paper doesn't give them much room.
Reading: "Octopus"

I think that's all for now. Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, Sept. 9

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

Math:  Workbook 1-5 (#1-15 only)  Students should be able to show you what 1-5 means.
Reading:  Main Idea practice worksheet

Thanks for helping me out with the homework slips.  We had a much better experience with homework collection today.

Students have their Picture Day order forms in their folder.

Have a great afternoon!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy Monday!

Hi everyone and welcome back to school after a nice relaxing weekend.  :-)

Tonight's homework:
Math: Expanded Form Worksheet
Reading: Sea Horses

I need your help!

Until we get our agenda books, I am requiring students to fill out a homework slip.  This way you will know exactly what your child must do for homework.  We fill this slip out together EVERY afternoon.  I have an example on the board for the students to follow.  Even though students had no homework over the week end, I still wanted them to do two things:  Get their topsheet on their Friday papers signed and read a short passage aloud.  Both of these were listed on the homework slip.  This is where I need your help:

  1. Please don't sign the homework slip if everything is not completed.  Your signature on the homework slip communicates to me that you have checked to make sure everything is done that is listed.  If they don't do something, let them take the consequences.
  2. If everything IS completed, please sign the homework slip.  :-)  They lose points on the Dojo and receive no check on the homework completion chart if they don't get the slip signed.  

Thanks for your help in this.  I am trying to train the students to be organized and keep track of their things.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.  Our phones are up and running again.  :-)

Friday, September 5, 2014

It's Hot!!

Whew!  Was it hot in our classroom today!  I tried to take it a little easier because we were all just
having a hard time focusing because of the heat.  Today, we reviewed over our reading homework from last night.  We also reviewed our place value by going over a worksheet with similar questions to what they will see on the PARCC exam this year.  (formally ISAT)  I discovered that we still need to review expanded form, which is what we will do Monday.

I also discovered how much work we need to do on reading and following directions.  The math review page had 7 questions:  4 multiple choice, 2 short answer, and 1 extended response.  I reviewed each of the questions extensively, especially, #6 and 7 which both had 2 parts.  After 90 minutes, only three students were able to complete the 7 questions correctly.  The biggest problem was not the skill.  As I said, expanded form was a little tricky, but everything else was fine.  The biggest problem was the fact that #6 was to be written in standard form AND expanded form. Most students did one or the other but not both.  This was AFTER I had explained, underlined the important parts, and reminded them twice.  #7 was the same way.  It required the students to also use sentences.  I made it very clear, even writing it down and leaving it on the board, that they were to answer the questions on another sheet of paper.  However, a majority of the students still tried to answer the question on the little lines given and only answered part of it.

As you can see, I was a little upset.  This is just one example.  This scenario is played out several times a day with all different types of instructions.  (Some as simple as put your book away.) But, we are going to work on this.  :-)

Right now, we are all going to go home and relax this week end.  I allowed them to finish the math page in class. (Actually, I had to finish it with several of the students.)  The only thing I am asking them to do is read their reading passage from last night out loud to someone at home.  If you listen, you can initial the paper, just like last time.  They will get a ticket for the prize box for every set of initials.

Thanks again to everyone who came out for Open House last night.  If you were unable to come out, please look for your child's Friday papers in their folder.  You can sign the top sheet and send it back with your child on Monday.

Thanks for listening to my rant!  :-)  Have a great week end!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Open House!

Hi everyone!

Open House is tonight!  I hope to see everyone there.  It will begin in the gym at 6:00.  After a short presentation, you will have time to visit the classrooms.  I will be giving a short presentation in the classroom as well.   And don't forget . . . this is your opportunity to sign up for your preferred parent/teacher conference time.  :-)

Tonight's homework:
Reading: Finish questions for "Lucy".  Students had about 20 min. to begin this in class.
Study for Spelling and GROW

If your child has math to finish, please be aware that everyone else finished it in class.  With Open House tonight, I did not want to give too much homework.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday, September 3

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Common Core Review Week 4
Social Studies: Study GROW

Students have homework slips filled out with everything that they owe me.  Some students still have some proofreading to do on their goals paragraph.  Also, there are a few students who have a long vowel practice sheet.  Please sign the homework slip and send it back to me each day.  Students get points on the Dojo for returning it.

I hope to see you all at Open House tomorrow.  This is very important.  Besides seeing your child's classroom, you will also get to sign up for your most convenient time for Parent/Teacher Conferences in November.  I have a short presentation that I will be giving, and you may even have a chance to play on the technology a little.  :-)  It begins at 6:00 PM in the gym.  Look for a flyer in your child's folder.

Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, September 2

Welcome back after a long week end!

Tonight's Homework:

Math: Place Value worksheet
English:  Some students are still editing their 6-sentence paragraph
Reading:  Some students have comprehension questions to answer for the passage "Mission Beach, San Diego"

Students can also get a head start on spelling workbook pages and studying for GROW.

I have begun to implement a homework slip policy.  We will be writing our homework down together every afternoon.  Please make sure everything on the slip is completed and then sign the slip.  Students will get Dojo points given and taken away for the homework slip.
