Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday, February 25

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math:  Adding/Subtracting Mixed Numbers (One page for each)  Students do not need to color in the circles if they don't need to.
  • Study for Spelling and GROW

I had some car trouble and was late for work.  Because of this, the students had a chance to do their spelling workbook pages in class.  All of the pages for unit 24 should be completed.  Thanks!

Be safe out there!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday, February 24

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Decomposing/Mixed Numbers Fraction PARCC Review
Reading:  Poetry PARCC review  (We went over last night's homework together.

Please note:  Spelling workbook pages will be due on Friday instead of Thursday.  Students can work on them tonight if they would like, but it is not required.

Very Important:
Progress Reports are coming home today.  Please look them over and sign them any where on the page and send them back to school.  Thanks!  If you have any questions or feel like you want to discuss something with me, you are always more than welcome to make an appointment.

Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday, February 24

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Reading:  Finish reading Common Core review packet on Poetry.  Complete the activities on the last few pages.  We will be going over this together in class.

No math homework

Several students do have papers that need signatures and corrections.  If they are not signed AND corrected, they will be considered late assignments.

Tomorrow is our Black History Program.  The program will take place in the gym at 12:30.  It will also be presented tomorrow evening at 6:00 PM.  Everyone is invited to attend!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday, February 23

Hi everyone!  I have to be at a meeting in 5 minutes so this will be very quick.  :-)


  • Spelling:  Unit 24 sentences
  • Math;  DWP Week 20 (Friday)

Also, the students brought home 2 letters from the office that we were required to send home regarding the PARRC test.  Please take some time to read them over.

Thanks for everything and stay warm!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Frigid Friday

Good afternoon, everyone!

Students need to study for their spelling test and GROW quiz this week end.  We had four students absent and several more who did not have their things at home on Wednesday to prepare.  I did not assign any other homework, so they would have PLENTY of time to study.  (Especially since progress reports will be coming home next week.)  :-)

Have a good week end!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday, February 18

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Mixed Numbers/Improper fractions worksheet
Spelling: Unit 23 workbook pages  (They had time to work on this in class.)

They should have plenty of time to read and work on Compass Learning tonight.  :-)

Tomorrow, I will be in the building, but I will be out of the classroom at a training all day.  Feel free to drop by the class and check on your child.  :-)  This also means that there won't be a blog post.  I'm not sure exactly how much of my work the guest teacher will be able to get through.  No matter what, though, please make sure your child studies for spelling and GROW.  We will definitely be taking the tests on Friday.


Oh, and don't forget:  Friday is a half day.  School will be dismissed at 11:15!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: PARCC Review packet on adding and subtracting fractions
  • Reading:  PARCC Review packet on Drama
  • Absentee Work:  Spelling sentences for Unit 23 and math word problems page

That's it for now.  Have a great afternoon!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Marvelous Monday

Hi everyone!

What an interesting day we had today.  :-)  The class seemed very empty today with 8 students absent.  (1/3 of the class!)  The students that were here were able to spend a lot of time on the computer working on Compass Learning and play vocabulary review games on the SMART Board.

The only homework they have is to write their spelling sentences for Unit 23.  They did have time in class to begin, so many students should be almost done.  These are homonyms this week so context matters!

I also offered a math extra credit assignment for homework.  If your child has no homework, they chose not to take the extra credit worksheet.

Thanks for everything!  I hope to see everyone back tomorrow!  :-)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone!  Thanks so much for the candy and cards.

I did not assign any homework this week end, but PLEASE have your child work on the PARCC practice test or Compass Learning.

We got to be guinea pigs today for the technology people.  :-)  We took a practice test today to help work any bugs out of the computer system.  We were able to help them identify a few final issues to fix before the big test next month while still getting some extra practice in for PARCC.  They did a great job!

Thanks for everything and have a great week end!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, February 11

Good afternoon!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 22 Workbook pages and study for Test
Remember there is no GROW quiz.  Students just need to study for spelling.

Also, there is no school tomorrow, so students need to come prepared to take their test on Friday.

Students may also bring Valentines to pass out on Friday.  Please make sure they bring one for everyone.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 10

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math:  Finish Comparing Fractions Review Packet
  • Reading:  wkst 100/103  (Sentences must be used.)

Don't forget that if you would like to participate in our candy fundraiser, to send the permission slip back to school by Friday.  It was given yesterday.

I think that's it for now.

Thanks and have a great afternoon!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Madness

Hi everyone!

I hope you had a great week end.

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 22 sentences
  • Math:  Only some students have math homework tonight.  Last week, while I was at my math seminar, the students had to complete a review involving equivalent fractions.  Those students who were able to complete the review with a 90% or above have no math homework.  Their papers will be displayed in the hallway with our fraction display.  Those who scored lower need to correct their mistakes AND show their evidence for their correction.  They can draw a picture, do the math, etc.  They MUST show some sort of proof that their answer is correct this time.  Congratulations to the 9 students who have mastered equivalent fractions!  Enjoy your night off!

Other Important Information:

  • For those who did not get my message on the dojo, I made a decision this morning while thinking about the activities for this week.  We are behind in science, so since it is a short week, and I know students will want to pass out Valentines on Friday, I've decided to cancel GROW for this week only.  There will be no quiz on Friday.
  • Permissions slips are coming home today for our candy sale fundraiser.  If you would like your child to participate, please fill it out and send it back to school.
  • Valentine's Day is Saturday.  If the students keep up good behavior this week, I will allow them to pass out Valentines.  This will not be a huge party, just about 30-45 minutes.  The only thing I ask is that if your child brings Valentines, please bring one for everyone in the class.  There are 26 students.  Thanks!  

Friday, February 6, 2015

Fabulous Friday

Hi everyone!

I want to say how proud I am that the class got such a good report while I was away at a math conference yesterday.  They did a great job!

The only homework students have is what they did not finish with the guest teacher yesterday.  While their behavior was good, most students did not finish the work given and didn't finish it for homework.  Only 5 students had everything done.  The guest teacher even listed everything on the board for them.  There are also a few students who have math corrections to do from our bell work this morning.

So, please look in their agenda book.  I have made a list of who owes me what and will be giving them a chance to write it down as soon as they return from PE.

Also, please be aware that I did not have a chance to grade any of the tests they took today.  And because of our snow day and my being out yesterday, Friday papers will not be coming home today.  They do have a calendar.  I am hoping to send home all graded papers on Monday.  Also, grades are up to date on Power School, so go ahead and check in to see how your child is doing.

I think that's all.  If you have any questions, feel free to text me.  Thanks!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday, February 4

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math:  Finish #1-18 for lesson 21-4 in math workbook
  • Reading:  Finish and edit the writing for today's prompt

Today, I am testing the students.  Every day I tell them exactly what to take out of their desks for their homework that night.  99% of the time, I even show them exactly what to write down in their agenda books.  Even with these helps, I still have students who leave things at school because they don't listen when I am giving directions.  Yesterday, 5 students went home without homework folders or spelling books even after several reminders to take them out of their desk.

So today, I am testing them.  I told them what their homework was and they are responsible for bringing home what they need with no reminders.  :-)  They had plenty of time to ask questions and organize their things to take home.  We'll see how it goes in the morning.  :-)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday, February 3

Hi everyone!  I hope you're all dug out after the blizzard.  :-)

Tonight's Homework:
Math: DWP Week 18
Spelling:  Unit 21 sentences

It would be a great help if you could proofread the sentences your child writes since that seems to be a great area of struggle right now.

Also, if you are interested in having your child practice for the PARCC test online, there is a link on the right side of this page to take you directly to the practice tests.  When you get to the fourth grade tests, you will the following initials:  PBA (Performance Based Assessment) and EOY (End of the Year)  We will be taking the PBA first in March, so that would be a great one to start with.  We will be practicing in school on Fridays for an hour in the media center computer lab.

Thanks and have a great evening.  Be careful out there!