Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 30

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Common Core worksheet-Estimating Length (Both sides must be completed.)
  • Reading: Finish summary and final question of Readers' Theater

That's it for now.  Have a good evening!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Countdown to Spring Break . . .

3 days and counting . . . .

I can't believe we are this far into the school year already!  Didn't we just begin?

Anyway, we have some work to get done before break begins so we can't lose focus yet.

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 28 sentences
  • Math:  Finish measurement packet begun in class  (For some reason logical measurement is a tricky thing for 4th graders to master.  Please help by making them use the teaching packet.  The packet has pictures and examples that demonstrate each type of measurement.  Also, try to use common household items that demonstrate each measurement.  For example, show them a real gallon of milk or something in the house that might weigh about a pound.  Making it more realistic will help. Thanks!)
Have a great night!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26

Tonight's Homework:

  • Study for spelling and GROW
  • Finish any late or absentee work

The class did such a good job on our math review over the past few days that I decided to give them the test on fractions an decimals today instead of tomorrow.  They did not let me down!  Nobody failed and almost everyone received an A or a B!!!  I am so proud of them.  As a result there is no math homework tonight, and we will be able to get an earlier start on the next unit.  Great job, room 3!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday, March 24

Tonight's Homework

  • Math: Domain 3 review (Fractions and Decimals)  This is the only thing I assigned tonight because it is a longer assignment.  It is a review of everything we have done in this unit.  We will be going over it together in class tomorrow in order to prepare for a test on Thursday or Friday.
  • Some students may need to finish Social Studies worksheet 275.  They have had 2 class periods to this.  If they have it for homework, that means they didn't follow directions and had to start again or they weren't working when they were supposed to.  

That's it for now.  Have a great evening.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Marvelous Monday!

Tonight's Homework

  • Spelling:  Sentences for Unit 27
  • Math: Comparing Decimals practice
Over a week ago, I gave a math review packet that was due today.  Only 10 students turned this in.  Please help me out by making sure your child finishes it, including the coloring.  Thanks!

Have a great evening.  Off to a  meeting I go!  :-)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Fabulous Friday!

Finish the math packet given on Monday . . . and yes the coloring must be done.  :-)  They've had several opportunities to work on it through out the week.

Also, today is the official end of the 3rd quarter.  I can't believe that the 4th and last quarter begins on Monday.  :-)  All of the papers you see in the Friday papers are counted on the 3rd quarter.

Have a great week end!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday, March 19

Tonight's Homework

  • Math: Adding fractions worksheet
  • Science: Finish Mars/Mercury worksheet that was started in class 
  • Study for spelling and GROW

Also, don't forget that tomorrow is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:15.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 26 workbook pages
  • Math: Fraction Review adding and subtracting 10 and 100ths.

Sorry this is so short, but I have an appointment to get to.  Have a good afternoon!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, March 17

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 26 sentences
  • Math:  Decimals worksheet (both sides)

Extra Credit Opportunity for Science!!

Students who would like to earn some extra credit for science can make a Moon Diary.  We are in the middle of a unit on the solar system, and today's topic was the moon.  In order to create a Moon Diary, students will need to observe the moon each night and keep track of their observations in the diary.  Each page should include the following information:

  1. The date
  2. A description of the weather for that evening
  3. A description of the moon that evening
  4. A drawing of the sky, including the moon, for that evening
Students will get one point extra credit for each page done correctly.  There should be one page for every day they observe the moon.  The Diary is due the day everyone comes back from Spring Break.  That gives the students a month of observation.  :-)

Some things to take into consideration:

  • The diary can be done in a notebook, a journal, handmade using construction paper, on the computer, etc.  (The drawings must be done by hand, though.)
  • The diary must be neatly done and organized, using good sentences and spelling. 
  • It's ok if some days are skipped.  Students will receive a point for each day they complete.  If they complete 10 days correctly, 10 points.  If they complete 20 days correctly, 20 points, etc.  
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday, March 16

Hi everyone!

Homework tonight is just whatever was not done with the guest teacher on Friday.  For most of the students that includes an English page on capitalization and a science comprehension page on the sun/moon.  A few students have to finish a math review or the Word of the Day quiz, but that is just a few.

Also, please look for assessments that need to be signed and corrected.  Several students have papers to show you that need signatures and correcting.  If they do not show them to you, expect a call very early tomorrow.  :-)

Finally, TESTING IS OVER for room 403!!!!!!!!  There are a few students who will make up a test from being absent but other than that, we are done with part 1!  I want to say that I am very proud of this class no matter what the results show.  They are part of the first ever group to take the PARCC test, and no matter the outcome, they did great!  We will be celebrating April 2nd with a movie and treats . . . and Ms. Evans' famous Coca Cola Cake.  :-)  The entire school will be done by then so we will have the freedom to celebrate.  Thank you so much for all your help in preparing your children for Part 1.  We have a few weeks to rest and reload before the last section in May.

Have a great afternoon!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9

Hi everyone,

Homework will be lighter this week due to the PARCC testing.  The only thing students need to complete tonight is a math review on adding and subtracting fractions.  Several students finished it in class and earned a free night.  :-)

Remember, testing begins promptly at 8:00 AM, so it is very important for your child to be here on time.  If you want your child to have the free hot breakfast, they must report to the commons at the regular breakfast time.

Thanks for everything!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Multiplying a Whole Number times a Fraction
  • Corrections/Signatures

All students have a math review tonight.  Some students have to get signatures on tests/classwork/reviews that they got a D or F on.  They also need to correct their mistakes.

Please don't forget to sign the top sheet on the Friday Papers.

Don't forget that PARCC testing for Room 403 begins on Tuesday.  Any time students can spend on Study Island would be great!

Special Note:  My Dojo app on my phone is currently not working.  I am working with a representative from the company to resolve the issue.  Please be patient if I don't answer a text right away.  You'll also notice point scores may be a little lower.  That's because I don't have it with me when we're in the hallway, at specials, lunch, etc.  I'm unable to give as many points.  Hopefully it will be resolved soon.


Have a good week end.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday, March 5

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 25 workbook pages and Study for test
  • Math:  Multiplying Fractions PARCC practice
  • Social Studies: Study for test

Important Information;
Our class will begin the PARCC test next week.  We will take the first unit of reading and math on Tuesday, March 10.  Unlike ISAT, we will not be testing every day.  The second portion of our test will not be until Thursday, March 12.  The final portion of our test will be Monday, March 16.  After that, Room 403 will be done testing.  (Except for any make up testing that needs to be done.)  It is very important for your child to be in school on those days.  Also, the testing will begin for us at 8:00 AM on Tuesday, March 10, so it is very important that your child be on time.

Because of testing, there will be NO spelling or GROW next week.  :-)

Thanks for all your help and support this year.  Have a great evening!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Adding/Subtracting Mixed Numbers Practice 4/6  (Both sides)
  • Reading:  Finish final copy of story 
Students will do spelling workbook pages tomorrow night, but they can get a head start if they would like.

Ok, I think that's it.  Short and sweet today.  :-)  Have a good afternoon!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Countdown Begins . . . .

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 25 sentences
  • Math: DWP Week 20

So, the countdown begins . . . .
Exactly one week from today, students in room 3 will be starting the first portion of the PARCC test.
It is so very important that my class do their homework each night, especially for math.  I had more than 5 students not complete the PARCC review on adding and subtracting fractions over the long weekend.  I am trying to give the students a sample of the type of questions they will see on PARCC so they will not be confused next week.  Tonight, they have 4 word problems to complete, but they must show their work.  If you want to know if your child finished his homework, check the Dojo.  You will see if they gained a point or lost a point for homework.

Thanks so much for your help in this.  Have a great evening.