Friday, August 29, 2014

It's Friday!!

Hi everyone!

Well, we made it through our first full week of school!  Whew!!  We've gone over rules, procedures, routines, etc.  While we will still be reviewing those things, it's time to move on to our regular schedule.

I did not intend to give homework over the week end, but let me tell you what happened.

We have been working on a short paragraph explaining our goals for 4th grade.  We worked through it step by step together.  We planned our writing using a graphic organizer together.  We wrote a topic sentence together.  I modeled 3 separate paragraphs which included 4 sentences for the details (from their graphic organizer) and one conclusion sentence.  (They were allowed to copy my conclusion sentence.)  So, for two days we worked on writing those sentences that formed the body of the paragraph which remember, only amounted to four sentences.  After two days, only 1 person was able to write 4 complete sentences.  A couple were close.  (Remember I modeled this at least 3 times and proofread all their papers trying to help them.)  These paragraphs are for our project for Open House, which is Thursday.  I got a little upset because it should not be this difficult to write four complete sentences. Therefore, I told them to take them home and bring me a final copy on Tuesday.  I'm sorry to have to do this, but I need your help to proofread your child's paragraph.  The final copy should be neat and clean, ready to hang up.  They can type it if they would like to.

Also, I graded a math assignment they did for homework 2 nights ago.  I gave the option to make corrections to earn some points back.    This is why some students may have a math paper in their folder.  If it's corrected with a signature, they can earn the points back.  If it's not, they will keep the grade they have.

Finally, there are just a few graded papers in their folder including the tests they took today.  The weekly calendar is on top along with a small slip of paper I call a topsheet.  All I need for you to do is review the grades, talk with your child if needed, and then sign the small slip of paper and send it back.  I do not need the graded papers back.  Since school just started, and I have only just begun to collect grades, there are not many.  In the future, this pile will be bigger.

Thanks for all your help!  Have a good holiday!

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight students have one thing to focus on:  STUDYING!

They have their first 2 tests tomorrow:  Spelling and GROW.  We reviewed GROW in class today and there was some trouble.  Please make sure your child knows those answers.  They cannot use their notebook on the quiz.

Also, students must finish ALL the pages in Unit 1 including the enrichment pages.

Other than that I did not assign any other homework.  I want students to do well on their first tests.  If you want more, they can read and go on Compass Learning.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Congratulations JRW!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!

Today the class received a special privilege.  We were allowed to watch a portion of the JRW pep rally at Jackie Robinson Field.  They were able to see Mayor Emmanuel, Gov. Quinn, and many other elected officials congratulate the US Little League Champions.

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Common Core Review Week 3 (We will go over this together in class tomorrow.)
Reading:  Students must practice their fluency by reading "In Your Closet" outloud to someone at home.  If you listen to them read, please initial their paper.  They may read the passage to as many people as they want (including over the phone).  Every one who listens should initial their paper.  Students are going to receive a ticket for the prize box for every set of initials on their paper.  They are on the HONOR SYSYTEM!!  :-)  The number of initials represents how many times they read the passage out loud.  The only way to become a better reader is to . . . . READ.  Thanks for your help.

I think that's it for now.  If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call or text me on the dojo.  Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's homework:
Math: Common Core Practice Week 2 (This is the assessment that comes after the practice.  It is only 10 questions and we have reviewed over the homework together.)

Also, I made sure that each student has their spelling and GROW notebook tonight.  Since all they have is math, they can get a head start studying.


  • I noticed that there are still a few students without notebooks and folders.  It will be very helpful if they can have at least those 2 things as soon as possible.   Papers are going home, and I like them to stay as neat as possible.  
  • Cold season will be on us sooner than we think and every box of kleenex will help.  If you haven't sent at least one box, it would be great if you could.  The school does not supply this and the only other option is the paper towel. (The same is true for hand sanitizer.) Any help here would be greatly appreciated.  :-)
  • Dojo!!!!  I love my Class Dojo!  If you haven't had a chance to sign up and set up your account, don't forget.  I have been able to text and message parents during school to take care of things right away and nip certain behaviors in the bud.  Also, when students know their parents are checking, it encourages them to do the right thing.  ;-)  
  • Finally, we are celebrating with US Little League Champions tomorrow!  If your child has a gold or yellow shirt, they are allowed to wear it with their uniform bottoms. We may even get to watch a little of the parade.  Congratulations, Jackie Robinson!!  
I think that's all for now.  Check back tomorrow for more news.  Have a great afternoon!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome back to school everyone!  I am so excited to begin a new year with you!  By the time you read this, you should have received a few things from your child giving you information for our classroom.  Let me review just a couple of important things:

  1. For discipline and classroom management, I use an online system called ClassDojo.  Each child in my classroom receives points for following my expectations and loses points when they don't follow my expectations. You should have received information on how to log in from home to see your child's behavior and homework successes. You may log in as often as you want to see your child's information.  You will also receive a weekly behavior report regarding your child.  A new feature added this year is messaging.  You can message me very easily using Classdojo.  Finally, your child will also receive log-in information so they can change their avatar and see their successes as well.  
  2. Every Friday, starting next week, I will send home all the graded papers from that week.  Please notice the small sheet on top that asks you to go through the papers with your child.  This must be signed and returned every Monday. 
  3. Finally, communication is very important to me.  I have an open door policy in my classroom.  You are welcome anytime to come observe the class.  If you would like to speak to me, you can email me at or call me at 708-957-6220 x2003 to make an appointment. 
Come back to this blog daily to find out current homework assignments, upcoming calendar items, or any other important information.  I look forward to working with you this year.  :-)

Happy Monday!

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's homework:
Reading:  "The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs" packet (students had over 30 min to begin this in class)
Math: Common Core Review Week 2 (students must show work for problems that require it)
Spelling: Unit 1 workbook pages are not due until Friday

Students got their first 4 questions today.  As I said on the calendar I sent home on Friday, students will be given 8 geography review questions in their social studies notebook each week.  (4 on Monday, 4 on Tuesday)  We will go over them together in class.  They must study these questions and take a quiz on Friday.  They will NOT be able to use their notebooks on the quiz.  So, now they have the first 4 questions.  They can begin studying them through out the week.  I highly recommend that they not wait until Thursday to study.  I use GROW to help with geography but also to teach the students study skills.  They may make flash cards, have someone quiz them, etc.

Class Dojo 
I want to thank the 11 parents who have signed up for their account on the dojo.  If you need another copy of your code, please let me know.  This is one of the best websites I have ever used in the classroom and is very beneficial for keeping up with your child's behaviors.  After signing up for a free account, you will be able to access your child's dojo at any point and see how successful they have been.

I think that's all for now.  Have a great afternoon and stay safe!