Thursday, August 20, 2015

We Made It!

Yes, we made it through our first full day of school!  I was so excited this morning when EVERY single one of my students had their information forms for  me filled out.  I had to give them an extra treat, but I should be sending a treat home to you all for doing your "homework"!  :-)  Thank you so much for filling those out last night.  It makes things much easier for me to have that contact information at my fingertips.

So, on to business:
Tonight's Homework
Reading: Daily Warm-Ups  (both sides must be done)

*I know it seems early for homework, but I want to get the students acclimated to our homework routine.  That way, when it really matters after I really start getting into the curriculum, it won't be a shock.  I appreciate your help in making sure this gets done.

Class Dojo
I appreciate all the parents who have signed up for the Dojo.  I'm sure you are seeing the benefits of the instant communication of your child's progress during the day.  I have also enjoyed the messages I am getting using the app.  If you have not signed up, please do so when you have a chance.  My goal this year is 100%  participation.

So far the class together has earned over 400 positive points!  Not one point has had to be taken away.  I also got a good report from the PE teacher who even said that it was one of her best classes all day.  Let's keep it going, Room 403!

Thanks to everyone for a good start.  Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Welcome Back To School!!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome Back!  This is a place that I will update daily.  Here you will find daily homework and special announcements.  If you are reading this, then your child did their first homework assignment which was to show you the welcome back letter.  There should also be an information sheet for you to fill out.  This is just in case I need to reach you if there is an emergency or any issues that need to be discussed.

I'm hoping that you will all download the Dojo app and set up an account with the code your child
brought home today.  This is the best way to communicate with me.  Right now I am unable to access my voice mail, so if you have any questions or concerns, using email or the Dojo will be your best bet.

I know it's going to be a great year!  I am looking forward to working with your child.  Feel free to leave a comment below.  :-)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday, May 18

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 32 sentences
  • Math: Circled problems from Geometry Packet
Tomorrow begins our final round of MAP testing.  We will begin with reading at 8:15.  If your child has any time after they finish their homework, please have them review some on Compass Learning Reading.  Thanks!

Enjoy the beautiful weather, everyone!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday, May 13

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 32 workbook pages
  • Math:  Finish the packet practicing measurement word problems
We officially started working on our cursive today.  I was pleasantly pleased with the results of the pretest.  However, there is some work to do.  Students have packets to use for practice in class.  They can practice at home.  You can easily find free handwriting practice to print if you would like.  :-)

Have a great afternoon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday, May 12

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Measurement Word Problems - #1-6 (Students may do more if they would like.)
  • Handwriting Pretest  (Please don't help them.  I want to see what they are doing on their own.)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday, May 11

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 32 sentences
  • Math:  Elapsed Time worksheet 2/3
The only thing going on this week is the Book Fair.  I'm not sure what day our students will be going, but if you want to send the money in a sealed envelope with the amount written on the front, I'll lock it in my cabinet.

Have a good afternoon.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy Friday!

The only homework I gave students this week end is to do at least 20 min on Compass Learning Reading and 20 min on Math (more if possible).

A few students have to finish a math assignment but most completed it in class.

Also, don't forget that Monday is Spring Pictures Day.

Finally, the book fair begins on Monday.  I'm not sure what day we will be able to shop, but you can send money if you would like, in a marked envelope and I'll lock it in the cabinet.

Enjoy the week end!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday, May 7

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math:  Elapsed Time practice
  • Study for Spelling and GROW
We had a wonderful day today!  Some students already have over 40 points on the Dojo!  Tomorrow will be the final day of our schedule change, so if your child would like to bring a healthy snack to eat in the morning, they may.  Lunch is not until 12:47.

Thanks and have a great afternoon!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wednesday, May 6

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 31 workbook pages
  • Math: Elapsed Time - Side 1 (Students may work on side 2 if desired.)

I think that's it for now.  Thanks for your help.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday, May 5

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Line Plots worksheet
  • Reading:  30 min on Compass Learning 

Off to a math meeting for me!  Have a great afternoon!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday, May 4

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 31 sentences
  • Math: measurement review - both sides
Yes, testing for us is finally over, and we are returning to a somewhat normal routine.  Even though the school year is almost over, there is still much work to do.  Please look over your child's homework and help me by making sure they have done their very best.  Thanks!!

Have a great afternoon and enjoy the weather!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday, April 28


Yay!!!  We are almost done with testing!  Students spent the morning on part 2 of the PARCC test and will finish the final math test on Thursday.  As a reward, they have no homework tonight.

Also, I am not feeling any better, and since the students are not testing tomorrow, I am going to stay home.  :-(    Please feel free to stop in and visit the classroom.  :-)  They should have homework tomorrow depending on how much they complete in class.

Thanks for all your help!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Finish Session 2 in the Practice Test
  • Study for Spelling and GROW

Please don't forget that Part 2 of PARCC begins next week.  Any practice on Compass Learning or Study Island would be beneficial.

Thanks for everything!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday, April 22

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Finish workbook pages
  • Math:  Finish Session 1 on practice test
  • Science:  About 1/3 of the class needs to finish the science crossword puzzle on the Solar System.  

I think that's it for now.  I'm off to the district office for a meeting.  Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday, April 21

Tonight's Homework:

  • Reading: Session 2 of PARCC practice test
  • Math: Complete #1-10 of PARCC practice test (We did some in class.)
As you can see Round 2 is getting ready to begin for PARCC testing next week.  We will be taking our tests on Tuesday and Wednesday next week.  After that, PARCC is over!!  We will still have the district MAP test, but that is no where near as stressful as the PARCC.  :-)

Students may work ahead in the PARCC Math practice test, but I do not want them to go ahead in the reading.  We will be timing ourselves on sessions 3 and 4 tomorrow.

Thanks for all your cooperation.  Have a great afternoon.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, April 20

Tonight's Homework

  • Math: Measuring and Showing Data (Students will need a ruler.  I allowed them to take one home if needed.  Please help me by making sure they return.)
  • Spelling:  Unit 28 sentences
That's it for today.  Short and sweet.  :-)  Have a good evening!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone!  I hope you have a chance to enjoy this beautiful weather!

Your child does have a math practice assignment to review converting metric measures.  It shouldn't take too long, but I do want them to show me the equation or chart they used to help answer the questions.

Other than that, enjoy the weather.  :-)

Oh, and I did not send home Friday papers because of the short week.  There is a calendar in your child's folder, however.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

JA in a Day!

Good afternoon, everyone!

I want to thank our parents, Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Powell, who volunteered to teach 4th grade students about money and how to handle it wisely.  They both did a great job playing teacher for a day!

Because of Junior Achievement, students only have a math review for homework.  Both sides of worksheet 2 must be completed. I would also like them to read for at least 20 minutes at home.

Thanks again for everything.  Have a great afternoon!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back to school everyone!

I was glad to see everyone back today.  I enjoyed hearing about all the fun that was had over break.  :-)

Now it's back to work.  The second part of PARCC begins a week from Monday, so we have a lot of work to do.

Tonight's Homework:

  • Reading: Comprehension questions using complete sentences
  • Math: Converting Customary Units of Measurement (Students must show work.)

Students have been warned that if they do not use sentences on the Reading or show work for math that it will be considered a late/incomplete assignment.  Please help me with this.

Thanks and have a great afternoon!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday, April 1

Tonight's Homework

  • Study for Spelling and GROW
  • Math: Estimating Distances #2 (both sides)

Tomorrow we will have our PARCC is over, Spring Break is here celebration!  :-)
Students are allowed to bring in something to pass out if they would like.

Also, don't forget:  Report cards will be coming home tomorrow.  All I need is the envelope back after break.


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 30

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Common Core worksheet-Estimating Length (Both sides must be completed.)
  • Reading: Finish summary and final question of Readers' Theater

That's it for now.  Have a good evening!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Countdown to Spring Break . . .

3 days and counting . . . .

I can't believe we are this far into the school year already!  Didn't we just begin?

Anyway, we have some work to get done before break begins so we can't lose focus yet.

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 28 sentences
  • Math:  Finish measurement packet begun in class  (For some reason logical measurement is a tricky thing for 4th graders to master.  Please help by making them use the teaching packet.  The packet has pictures and examples that demonstrate each type of measurement.  Also, try to use common household items that demonstrate each measurement.  For example, show them a real gallon of milk or something in the house that might weigh about a pound.  Making it more realistic will help. Thanks!)
Have a great night!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26

Tonight's Homework:

  • Study for spelling and GROW
  • Finish any late or absentee work

The class did such a good job on our math review over the past few days that I decided to give them the test on fractions an decimals today instead of tomorrow.  They did not let me down!  Nobody failed and almost everyone received an A or a B!!!  I am so proud of them.  As a result there is no math homework tonight, and we will be able to get an earlier start on the next unit.  Great job, room 3!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday, March 24

Tonight's Homework

  • Math: Domain 3 review (Fractions and Decimals)  This is the only thing I assigned tonight because it is a longer assignment.  It is a review of everything we have done in this unit.  We will be going over it together in class tomorrow in order to prepare for a test on Thursday or Friday.
  • Some students may need to finish Social Studies worksheet 275.  They have had 2 class periods to this.  If they have it for homework, that means they didn't follow directions and had to start again or they weren't working when they were supposed to.  

That's it for now.  Have a great evening.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Marvelous Monday!

Tonight's Homework

  • Spelling:  Sentences for Unit 27
  • Math: Comparing Decimals practice
Over a week ago, I gave a math review packet that was due today.  Only 10 students turned this in.  Please help me out by making sure your child finishes it, including the coloring.  Thanks!

Have a great evening.  Off to a  meeting I go!  :-)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Fabulous Friday!

Finish the math packet given on Monday . . . and yes the coloring must be done.  :-)  They've had several opportunities to work on it through out the week.

Also, today is the official end of the 3rd quarter.  I can't believe that the 4th and last quarter begins on Monday.  :-)  All of the papers you see in the Friday papers are counted on the 3rd quarter.

Have a great week end!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday, March 19

Tonight's Homework

  • Math: Adding fractions worksheet
  • Science: Finish Mars/Mercury worksheet that was started in class 
  • Study for spelling and GROW

Also, don't forget that tomorrow is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:15.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 26 workbook pages
  • Math: Fraction Review adding and subtracting 10 and 100ths.

Sorry this is so short, but I have an appointment to get to.  Have a good afternoon!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, March 17

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 26 sentences
  • Math:  Decimals worksheet (both sides)

Extra Credit Opportunity for Science!!

Students who would like to earn some extra credit for science can make a Moon Diary.  We are in the middle of a unit on the solar system, and today's topic was the moon.  In order to create a Moon Diary, students will need to observe the moon each night and keep track of their observations in the diary.  Each page should include the following information:

  1. The date
  2. A description of the weather for that evening
  3. A description of the moon that evening
  4. A drawing of the sky, including the moon, for that evening
Students will get one point extra credit for each page done correctly.  There should be one page for every day they observe the moon.  The Diary is due the day everyone comes back from Spring Break.  That gives the students a month of observation.  :-)

Some things to take into consideration:

  • The diary can be done in a notebook, a journal, handmade using construction paper, on the computer, etc.  (The drawings must be done by hand, though.)
  • The diary must be neatly done and organized, using good sentences and spelling. 
  • It's ok if some days are skipped.  Students will receive a point for each day they complete.  If they complete 10 days correctly, 10 points.  If they complete 20 days correctly, 20 points, etc.  
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday, March 16

Hi everyone!

Homework tonight is just whatever was not done with the guest teacher on Friday.  For most of the students that includes an English page on capitalization and a science comprehension page on the sun/moon.  A few students have to finish a math review or the Word of the Day quiz, but that is just a few.

Also, please look for assessments that need to be signed and corrected.  Several students have papers to show you that need signatures and correcting.  If they do not show them to you, expect a call very early tomorrow.  :-)

Finally, TESTING IS OVER for room 403!!!!!!!!  There are a few students who will make up a test from being absent but other than that, we are done with part 1!  I want to say that I am very proud of this class no matter what the results show.  They are part of the first ever group to take the PARCC test, and no matter the outcome, they did great!  We will be celebrating April 2nd with a movie and treats . . . and Ms. Evans' famous Coca Cola Cake.  :-)  The entire school will be done by then so we will have the freedom to celebrate.  Thank you so much for all your help in preparing your children for Part 1.  We have a few weeks to rest and reload before the last section in May.

Have a great afternoon!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9

Hi everyone,

Homework will be lighter this week due to the PARCC testing.  The only thing students need to complete tonight is a math review on adding and subtracting fractions.  Several students finished it in class and earned a free night.  :-)

Remember, testing begins promptly at 8:00 AM, so it is very important for your child to be here on time.  If you want your child to have the free hot breakfast, they must report to the commons at the regular breakfast time.

Thanks for everything!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Multiplying a Whole Number times a Fraction
  • Corrections/Signatures

All students have a math review tonight.  Some students have to get signatures on tests/classwork/reviews that they got a D or F on.  They also need to correct their mistakes.

Please don't forget to sign the top sheet on the Friday Papers.

Don't forget that PARCC testing for Room 403 begins on Tuesday.  Any time students can spend on Study Island would be great!

Special Note:  My Dojo app on my phone is currently not working.  I am working with a representative from the company to resolve the issue.  Please be patient if I don't answer a text right away.  You'll also notice point scores may be a little lower.  That's because I don't have it with me when we're in the hallway, at specials, lunch, etc.  I'm unable to give as many points.  Hopefully it will be resolved soon.


Have a good week end.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday, March 5

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 25 workbook pages and Study for test
  • Math:  Multiplying Fractions PARCC practice
  • Social Studies: Study for test

Important Information;
Our class will begin the PARCC test next week.  We will take the first unit of reading and math on Tuesday, March 10.  Unlike ISAT, we will not be testing every day.  The second portion of our test will not be until Thursday, March 12.  The final portion of our test will be Monday, March 16.  After that, Room 403 will be done testing.  (Except for any make up testing that needs to be done.)  It is very important for your child to be in school on those days.  Also, the testing will begin for us at 8:00 AM on Tuesday, March 10, so it is very important that your child be on time.

Because of testing, there will be NO spelling or GROW next week.  :-)

Thanks for all your help and support this year.  Have a great evening!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: Adding/Subtracting Mixed Numbers Practice 4/6  (Both sides)
  • Reading:  Finish final copy of story 
Students will do spelling workbook pages tomorrow night, but they can get a head start if they would like.

Ok, I think that's it.  Short and sweet today.  :-)  Have a good afternoon!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Countdown Begins . . . .

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 25 sentences
  • Math: DWP Week 20

So, the countdown begins . . . .
Exactly one week from today, students in room 3 will be starting the first portion of the PARCC test.
It is so very important that my class do their homework each night, especially for math.  I had more than 5 students not complete the PARCC review on adding and subtracting fractions over the long weekend.  I am trying to give the students a sample of the type of questions they will see on PARCC so they will not be confused next week.  Tonight, they have 4 word problems to complete, but they must show their work.  If you want to know if your child finished his homework, check the Dojo.  You will see if they gained a point or lost a point for homework.

Thanks so much for your help in this.  Have a great evening.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday, February 25

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math:  Adding/Subtracting Mixed Numbers (One page for each)  Students do not need to color in the circles if they don't need to.
  • Study for Spelling and GROW

I had some car trouble and was late for work.  Because of this, the students had a chance to do their spelling workbook pages in class.  All of the pages for unit 24 should be completed.  Thanks!

Be safe out there!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday, February 24

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Decomposing/Mixed Numbers Fraction PARCC Review
Reading:  Poetry PARCC review  (We went over last night's homework together.

Please note:  Spelling workbook pages will be due on Friday instead of Thursday.  Students can work on them tonight if they would like, but it is not required.

Very Important:
Progress Reports are coming home today.  Please look them over and sign them any where on the page and send them back to school.  Thanks!  If you have any questions or feel like you want to discuss something with me, you are always more than welcome to make an appointment.

Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday, February 24

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Reading:  Finish reading Common Core review packet on Poetry.  Complete the activities on the last few pages.  We will be going over this together in class.

No math homework

Several students do have papers that need signatures and corrections.  If they are not signed AND corrected, they will be considered late assignments.

Tomorrow is our Black History Program.  The program will take place in the gym at 12:30.  It will also be presented tomorrow evening at 6:00 PM.  Everyone is invited to attend!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday, February 23

Hi everyone!  I have to be at a meeting in 5 minutes so this will be very quick.  :-)


  • Spelling:  Unit 24 sentences
  • Math;  DWP Week 20 (Friday)

Also, the students brought home 2 letters from the office that we were required to send home regarding the PARRC test.  Please take some time to read them over.

Thanks for everything and stay warm!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Frigid Friday

Good afternoon, everyone!

Students need to study for their spelling test and GROW quiz this week end.  We had four students absent and several more who did not have their things at home on Wednesday to prepare.  I did not assign any other homework, so they would have PLENTY of time to study.  (Especially since progress reports will be coming home next week.)  :-)

Have a good week end!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday, February 18

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
Math: Mixed Numbers/Improper fractions worksheet
Spelling: Unit 23 workbook pages  (They had time to work on this in class.)

They should have plenty of time to read and work on Compass Learning tonight.  :-)

Tomorrow, I will be in the building, but I will be out of the classroom at a training all day.  Feel free to drop by the class and check on your child.  :-)  This also means that there won't be a blog post.  I'm not sure exactly how much of my work the guest teacher will be able to get through.  No matter what, though, please make sure your child studies for spelling and GROW.  We will definitely be taking the tests on Friday.


Oh, and don't forget:  Friday is a half day.  School will be dismissed at 11:15!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math: PARCC Review packet on adding and subtracting fractions
  • Reading:  PARCC Review packet on Drama
  • Absentee Work:  Spelling sentences for Unit 23 and math word problems page

That's it for now.  Have a great afternoon!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Marvelous Monday

Hi everyone!

What an interesting day we had today.  :-)  The class seemed very empty today with 8 students absent.  (1/3 of the class!)  The students that were here were able to spend a lot of time on the computer working on Compass Learning and play vocabulary review games on the SMART Board.

The only homework they have is to write their spelling sentences for Unit 23.  They did have time in class to begin, so many students should be almost done.  These are homonyms this week so context matters!

I also offered a math extra credit assignment for homework.  If your child has no homework, they chose not to take the extra credit worksheet.

Thanks for everything!  I hope to see everyone back tomorrow!  :-)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone!  Thanks so much for the candy and cards.

I did not assign any homework this week end, but PLEASE have your child work on the PARCC practice test or Compass Learning.

We got to be guinea pigs today for the technology people.  :-)  We took a practice test today to help work any bugs out of the computer system.  We were able to help them identify a few final issues to fix before the big test next month while still getting some extra practice in for PARCC.  They did a great job!

Thanks for everything and have a great week end!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, February 11

Good afternoon!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 22 Workbook pages and study for Test
Remember there is no GROW quiz.  Students just need to study for spelling.

Also, there is no school tomorrow, so students need to come prepared to take their test on Friday.

Students may also bring Valentines to pass out on Friday.  Please make sure they bring one for everyone.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 10

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math:  Finish Comparing Fractions Review Packet
  • Reading:  wkst 100/103  (Sentences must be used.)

Don't forget that if you would like to participate in our candy fundraiser, to send the permission slip back to school by Friday.  It was given yesterday.

I think that's it for now.

Thanks and have a great afternoon!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Madness

Hi everyone!

I hope you had a great week end.

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 22 sentences
  • Math:  Only some students have math homework tonight.  Last week, while I was at my math seminar, the students had to complete a review involving equivalent fractions.  Those students who were able to complete the review with a 90% or above have no math homework.  Their papers will be displayed in the hallway with our fraction display.  Those who scored lower need to correct their mistakes AND show their evidence for their correction.  They can draw a picture, do the math, etc.  They MUST show some sort of proof that their answer is correct this time.  Congratulations to the 9 students who have mastered equivalent fractions!  Enjoy your night off!

Other Important Information:

  • For those who did not get my message on the dojo, I made a decision this morning while thinking about the activities for this week.  We are behind in science, so since it is a short week, and I know students will want to pass out Valentines on Friday, I've decided to cancel GROW for this week only.  There will be no quiz on Friday.
  • Permissions slips are coming home today for our candy sale fundraiser.  If you would like your child to participate, please fill it out and send it back to school.
  • Valentine's Day is Saturday.  If the students keep up good behavior this week, I will allow them to pass out Valentines.  This will not be a huge party, just about 30-45 minutes.  The only thing I ask is that if your child brings Valentines, please bring one for everyone in the class.  There are 26 students.  Thanks!  

Friday, February 6, 2015

Fabulous Friday

Hi everyone!

I want to say how proud I am that the class got such a good report while I was away at a math conference yesterday.  They did a great job!

The only homework students have is what they did not finish with the guest teacher yesterday.  While their behavior was good, most students did not finish the work given and didn't finish it for homework.  Only 5 students had everything done.  The guest teacher even listed everything on the board for them.  There are also a few students who have math corrections to do from our bell work this morning.

So, please look in their agenda book.  I have made a list of who owes me what and will be giving them a chance to write it down as soon as they return from PE.

Also, please be aware that I did not have a chance to grade any of the tests they took today.  And because of our snow day and my being out yesterday, Friday papers will not be coming home today.  They do have a calendar.  I am hoping to send home all graded papers on Monday.  Also, grades are up to date on Power School, so go ahead and check in to see how your child is doing.

I think that's all.  If you have any questions, feel free to text me.  Thanks!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday, February 4

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math:  Finish #1-18 for lesson 21-4 in math workbook
  • Reading:  Finish and edit the writing for today's prompt

Today, I am testing the students.  Every day I tell them exactly what to take out of their desks for their homework that night.  99% of the time, I even show them exactly what to write down in their agenda books.  Even with these helps, I still have students who leave things at school because they don't listen when I am giving directions.  Yesterday, 5 students went home without homework folders or spelling books even after several reminders to take them out of their desk.

So today, I am testing them.  I told them what their homework was and they are responsible for bringing home what they need with no reminders.  :-)  They had plenty of time to ask questions and organize their things to take home.  We'll see how it goes in the morning.  :-)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday, February 3

Hi everyone!  I hope you're all dug out after the blizzard.  :-)

Tonight's Homework:
Math: DWP Week 18
Spelling:  Unit 21 sentences

It would be a great help if you could proofread the sentences your child writes since that seems to be a great area of struggle right now.

Also, if you are interested in having your child practice for the PARCC test online, there is a link on the right side of this page to take you directly to the practice tests.  When you get to the fourth grade tests, you will the following initials:  PBA (Performance Based Assessment) and EOY (End of the Year)  We will be taking the PBA first in March, so that would be a great one to start with.  We will be practicing in school on Fridays for an hour in the media center computer lab.

Thanks and have a great evening.  Be careful out there!

Friday, January 30, 2015

It's Friday!!!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Today we had a talk about the poor quality of our sentence writing when it comes to paragraphs.  Most students show me in their spelling sentences that they have the ability to write a complete sentence.  However, when they have to put those sentences together into a paragraph, they struggle.  So . . .

Here's how the homework is working this week end.  Students completed a writing assignment that was requested by the office. I gave them this deal:  If the sentence structure has no mistakes, then they have no homework.  If their sentence structure (not spelling) has any mistakes at all, they will have some English to do that will focus on sentence writing.  A little more than half the class has the English practice to do.  :-(  The worksheet has two sides, one practicing subject/verb agreement and the other practicing writing good sentences in paragraph form by writing a story.  That's the only thing I'm requiring this week end.

Some students took the worksheet because they wanted to do it anyway.  :-)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to text me.  Have a great week end!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday, January 28

Good afternoon, everyone!

We had quite a day in Room 3 today.

I'm afraid I had to start off with a very stern talk for a majority of the class.  I have been very disappointed with the quality of the work being done in Room 3 for awhile now, and after seeing the results of some assessments yesterday, I decided it was time to lay it down with the class.  15 out of 23 students failed one of three assignments given to me yesterday.  The remaining 8 were allowed some free time on the computers while I spoke to the rest of the class.

Basically, I told the students that the work they were doing was not on a fourth grade level.  I am disappointed that many students refuse to write legibly (not just one or two, but MANY), many students refuse to write a simple complete sentence when asked, many students will not show how they got an answer when asked to do so in math, etc.  These issues are not ones that have to do with understanding a concept. I told the students it has become a matter of stubbornness.  I have had conversations with individual students multiple times, I've made students rewrite and redo work, I've made students correct their work in PE, I've even talked to parents.  Nothing seems to be changing.  I let them know I'm tired and discouraged.

I did allow them to make corrections on their F papers and wouldn't you know that a majority of students were able to make the corrections all by themselves with NO help!  That proved my point to them.  Their grades will be raised when I have a signature on the F paper.

Parents, please help me.  I am asking that you please look over your child's homework and make sure it is written neatly.  If not, make them rewrite it.  I do make comments on assignments that must be written in sentences.  If you notice that they are not writing complete sentences, make them correct it.  These are things that every child in my room is capable of doing.

I appreciate any help you can give me.

Now, tonight's homework:

  • Math: DWP Week 17 (Friday)
  • Spelling:  Finish Unit 20 workbook pages
Have a good evening, and thanks for listening.  :-)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, January 27

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework

  • Math: DWP Week 17
  • Reading: Comprehension Practice  (Please make sure students use good sentences.)

Thank you for helping last night on homework.  I know 3 assignments was more than normal, but everyone had their work completed except two people.  That is a success in this classroom.  :-)

Also, thank you for sending back the report card envelopes and top sheets.  I am only missing one of each now.

I think that's it for now.  Have a great evening!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday, January 26

Happy Monday, everyone!

Tonight's Homework

  • Spelling:  Unit 20 sentences
  • Reading:  Finish story structure graphic organizer for our 2nd text (They had a chance to begin this last week, so how much they have to do depends on how well they used their time last week.)
  • Math: Equivalent Fraction Practice 15
I usually don't assign three items, but I was a bit frustrated today with the lack of following directions and paying attention.  This was especially true for math.  I wasn't going to assign math homework, but it was very clear that over the week end they forgot what equivalent fractions were.  :-)  I need to be moving on to comparing fractions, so we need to be finishing up with this.

Thank you for all of the report card envelopes that have been returned.  I don't need the papers inside.  Those are yours to keep.  If you haven't signed the envelope, please do so and have your child bring it back to school tomorrow.  Thanks!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Happy Friday!

Hi everyone!

I did not assign any homework over the week end.  I told the students to read aloud to someone 5 minutes each day this week end.  They also need to get on Compass Learning if possible.

Their report cards are in their folders.  Please sign the envelope and have your child return it.  You can keep the papers inside.  If you have any questions about the report card or the reports attached to it, don't hesitate to text me or make an appointment, and I can go over it with you.

Thanks for everything and have a great week end!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday, January 22

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math:  Equivalent Fractions Worksheet  (Students were allowed to bring their fraction strips home to help them.  If they don't have them, they chose not to take them.)
  • Study for Spelling and GROW

Also, don't forget report cards will come home tomorrow.  All I will need returned is the envelope with your signature.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday, January 21

Good afternoon!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 19 workbook pages
  • Math: DWP Friday Week 15

Other News
Congratulations to Meadowview who took all 3 top places in the district spelling bee yesterday!  Our 4-6th grade winners even beat out Southwood!  Great job!

Don't forget report cards will be coming home on Friday.  All I need returned is the envelope with your signature on it by 2nd quarter.

I think that's it for now.  Have a great night!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 20

Welcome back to school, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 19 sentences
  • Math DWP Week 17 (Daily Word Problem)
An Important Reminder
There are times that I send something home to be signed.  It might be the top sheet for Friday papers, a test that a student failed, a punishment assignment, etc.  This is very important communication to me.  I don't ever want you to be surprised by your child's progress or behavior.  Your signature on these types of items is your communication to me that you have seen your child's grades or know about whatever issue happened that day.  We are partners working together.  If ever something comes home with a signature line on it and you have a question about it, do NOT hesitate to contact me.  :-)  I will try to answer any questions you may have.  In the meantime, I do consider these signatures homework for the students.  If they come back without a signature, they lose their chance to attend the pizza party at the end of the quarter.  If you lose the top sheet or whatever document needed a signature, just write a quick note in their agenda book that you are aware of what needed to be signed.  Thanks for all your support and help in this.

Have a great afternoon!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Happy Friday

Hi everyone, this will be short since I have to go to a meeting. 

I didn't assign any homework for the long week end.  They can get on Compass Learning and Study Island.  And please make them read!  :-)

Remember no school on Monday.  Have a great week end!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday, January 15

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
  • Math:  Wkst 174 (Equivalent Fractions)
  • Study for Spelling and GROW ( I won today's GROW review game that we play every Thursday.  That means that many students have not been studying their GROW questions through out the week.  Students definitely need to review the questions tonight.  :-)  )
Tomorrow is a half day and the official beginning of Color Wars.  Students may wear jeans along with a green top.  Please make sure the jeans have no holes in them and fit properly.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday, January 14

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
  • Spelling:  Unit 18 Workbook pages
  • Math: DWP (Daily Word Problems) Week 15
The second quarter is officially over today, and the third quarter begins tomorrow!  Can you believe this year is half over already?  Report cards will be coming home next week.

Also, don't forget that this Friday is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:15.

That's all for now.  Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday, January 13

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
  • Math:  Daily Word Problems - Friday (This is a performance task which means one problem with several parts.  Students must show all steps they took to solve the problem neatly and organized.)
  • Reading: Compass Learning for 30 min.
  • Social Studies:  Students have all questions for GROW Week 16.  They can begin studying.

I think that's it for now.  Have a great afternoon!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone!

And welcome back to my computer!  I was lost without it!  :-)

Tonight's Homework:
  • Spelling: Unit 18 sentences
  • Math: Daily Word Problems Week 14  (We have made these a contest between the groups.  Students get one point for each correct problem.  The group with the most points each day gets a small prize.)

Other Important Information:
  • The second quarter ends on Wednesday which means the third quarter will begin Thursday.  This Friday will be the first Spelling and GROW test of the new quarter.
  • This Friday is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:15 AM.