Thursday, August 20, 2015

We Made It!

Yes, we made it through our first full day of school!  I was so excited this morning when EVERY single one of my students had their information forms for  me filled out.  I had to give them an extra treat, but I should be sending a treat home to you all for doing your "homework"!  :-)  Thank you so much for filling those out last night.  It makes things much easier for me to have that contact information at my fingertips.

So, on to business:
Tonight's Homework
Reading: Daily Warm-Ups  (both sides must be done)

*I know it seems early for homework, but I want to get the students acclimated to our homework routine.  That way, when it really matters after I really start getting into the curriculum, it won't be a shock.  I appreciate your help in making sure this gets done.

Class Dojo
I appreciate all the parents who have signed up for the Dojo.  I'm sure you are seeing the benefits of the instant communication of your child's progress during the day.  I have also enjoyed the messages I am getting using the app.  If you have not signed up, please do so when you have a chance.  My goal this year is 100%  participation.

So far the class together has earned over 400 positive points!  Not one point has had to be taken away.  I also got a good report from the PE teacher who even said that it was one of her best classes all day.  Let's keep it going, Room 403!

Thanks to everyone for a good start.  Have a great afternoon!

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