Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday, January 28

Good afternoon, everyone!

We had quite a day in Room 3 today.

I'm afraid I had to start off with a very stern talk for a majority of the class.  I have been very disappointed with the quality of the work being done in Room 3 for awhile now, and after seeing the results of some assessments yesterday, I decided it was time to lay it down with the class.  15 out of 23 students failed one of three assignments given to me yesterday.  The remaining 8 were allowed some free time on the computers while I spoke to the rest of the class.

Basically, I told the students that the work they were doing was not on a fourth grade level.  I am disappointed that many students refuse to write legibly (not just one or two, but MANY), many students refuse to write a simple complete sentence when asked, many students will not show how they got an answer when asked to do so in math, etc.  These issues are not ones that have to do with understanding a concept. I told the students it has become a matter of stubbornness.  I have had conversations with individual students multiple times, I've made students rewrite and redo work, I've made students correct their work in PE, I've even talked to parents.  Nothing seems to be changing.  I let them know I'm tired and discouraged.

I did allow them to make corrections on their F papers and wouldn't you know that a majority of students were able to make the corrections all by themselves with NO help!  That proved my point to them.  Their grades will be raised when I have a signature on the F paper.

Parents, please help me.  I am asking that you please look over your child's homework and make sure it is written neatly.  If not, make them rewrite it.  I do make comments on assignments that must be written in sentences.  If you notice that they are not writing complete sentences, make them correct it.  These are things that every child in my room is capable of doing.

I appreciate any help you can give me.

Now, tonight's homework:

  • Math: DWP Week 17 (Friday)
  • Spelling:  Finish Unit 20 workbook pages
Have a good evening, and thanks for listening.  :-)