Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday, January 26

Happy Monday, everyone!

Tonight's Homework

  • Spelling:  Unit 20 sentences
  • Reading:  Finish story structure graphic organizer for our 2nd text (They had a chance to begin this last week, so how much they have to do depends on how well they used their time last week.)
  • Math: Equivalent Fraction Practice 15
I usually don't assign three items, but I was a bit frustrated today with the lack of following directions and paying attention.  This was especially true for math.  I wasn't going to assign math homework, but it was very clear that over the week end they forgot what equivalent fractions were.  :-)  I need to be moving on to comparing fractions, so we need to be finishing up with this.

Thank you for all of the report card envelopes that have been returned.  I don't need the papers inside.  Those are yours to keep.  If you haven't signed the envelope, please do so and have your child bring it back to school tomorrow.  Thanks!

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