Friday, January 30, 2015

It's Friday!!!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Today we had a talk about the poor quality of our sentence writing when it comes to paragraphs.  Most students show me in their spelling sentences that they have the ability to write a complete sentence.  However, when they have to put those sentences together into a paragraph, they struggle.  So . . .

Here's how the homework is working this week end.  Students completed a writing assignment that was requested by the office. I gave them this deal:  If the sentence structure has no mistakes, then they have no homework.  If their sentence structure (not spelling) has any mistakes at all, they will have some English to do that will focus on sentence writing.  A little more than half the class has the English practice to do.  :-(  The worksheet has two sides, one practicing subject/verb agreement and the other practicing writing good sentences in paragraph form by writing a story.  That's the only thing I'm requiring this week end.

Some students took the worksheet because they wanted to do it anyway.  :-)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to text me.  Have a great week end!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday, January 28

Good afternoon, everyone!

We had quite a day in Room 3 today.

I'm afraid I had to start off with a very stern talk for a majority of the class.  I have been very disappointed with the quality of the work being done in Room 3 for awhile now, and after seeing the results of some assessments yesterday, I decided it was time to lay it down with the class.  15 out of 23 students failed one of three assignments given to me yesterday.  The remaining 8 were allowed some free time on the computers while I spoke to the rest of the class.

Basically, I told the students that the work they were doing was not on a fourth grade level.  I am disappointed that many students refuse to write legibly (not just one or two, but MANY), many students refuse to write a simple complete sentence when asked, many students will not show how they got an answer when asked to do so in math, etc.  These issues are not ones that have to do with understanding a concept. I told the students it has become a matter of stubbornness.  I have had conversations with individual students multiple times, I've made students rewrite and redo work, I've made students correct their work in PE, I've even talked to parents.  Nothing seems to be changing.  I let them know I'm tired and discouraged.

I did allow them to make corrections on their F papers and wouldn't you know that a majority of students were able to make the corrections all by themselves with NO help!  That proved my point to them.  Their grades will be raised when I have a signature on the F paper.

Parents, please help me.  I am asking that you please look over your child's homework and make sure it is written neatly.  If not, make them rewrite it.  I do make comments on assignments that must be written in sentences.  If you notice that they are not writing complete sentences, make them correct it.  These are things that every child in my room is capable of doing.

I appreciate any help you can give me.

Now, tonight's homework:

  • Math: DWP Week 17 (Friday)
  • Spelling:  Finish Unit 20 workbook pages
Have a good evening, and thanks for listening.  :-)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, January 27

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework

  • Math: DWP Week 17
  • Reading: Comprehension Practice  (Please make sure students use good sentences.)

Thank you for helping last night on homework.  I know 3 assignments was more than normal, but everyone had their work completed except two people.  That is a success in this classroom.  :-)

Also, thank you for sending back the report card envelopes and top sheets.  I am only missing one of each now.

I think that's it for now.  Have a great evening!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday, January 26

Happy Monday, everyone!

Tonight's Homework

  • Spelling:  Unit 20 sentences
  • Reading:  Finish story structure graphic organizer for our 2nd text (They had a chance to begin this last week, so how much they have to do depends on how well they used their time last week.)
  • Math: Equivalent Fraction Practice 15
I usually don't assign three items, but I was a bit frustrated today with the lack of following directions and paying attention.  This was especially true for math.  I wasn't going to assign math homework, but it was very clear that over the week end they forgot what equivalent fractions were.  :-)  I need to be moving on to comparing fractions, so we need to be finishing up with this.

Thank you for all of the report card envelopes that have been returned.  I don't need the papers inside.  Those are yours to keep.  If you haven't signed the envelope, please do so and have your child bring it back to school tomorrow.  Thanks!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Happy Friday!

Hi everyone!

I did not assign any homework over the week end.  I told the students to read aloud to someone 5 minutes each day this week end.  They also need to get on Compass Learning if possible.

Their report cards are in their folders.  Please sign the envelope and have your child return it.  You can keep the papers inside.  If you have any questions about the report card or the reports attached to it, don't hesitate to text me or make an appointment, and I can go over it with you.

Thanks for everything and have a great week end!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday, January 22

Tonight's Homework:

  • Math:  Equivalent Fractions Worksheet  (Students were allowed to bring their fraction strips home to help them.  If they don't have them, they chose not to take them.)
  • Study for Spelling and GROW

Also, don't forget report cards will come home tomorrow.  All I will need returned is the envelope with your signature.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday, January 21

Good afternoon!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling: Unit 19 workbook pages
  • Math: DWP Friday Week 15

Other News
Congratulations to Meadowview who took all 3 top places in the district spelling bee yesterday!  Our 4-6th grade winners even beat out Southwood!  Great job!

Don't forget report cards will be coming home on Friday.  All I need returned is the envelope with your signature on it by 2nd quarter.

I think that's it for now.  Have a great night!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 20

Welcome back to school, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:

  • Spelling:  Unit 19 sentences
  • Math DWP Week 17 (Daily Word Problem)
An Important Reminder
There are times that I send something home to be signed.  It might be the top sheet for Friday papers, a test that a student failed, a punishment assignment, etc.  This is very important communication to me.  I don't ever want you to be surprised by your child's progress or behavior.  Your signature on these types of items is your communication to me that you have seen your child's grades or know about whatever issue happened that day.  We are partners working together.  If ever something comes home with a signature line on it and you have a question about it, do NOT hesitate to contact me.  :-)  I will try to answer any questions you may have.  In the meantime, I do consider these signatures homework for the students.  If they come back without a signature, they lose their chance to attend the pizza party at the end of the quarter.  If you lose the top sheet or whatever document needed a signature, just write a quick note in their agenda book that you are aware of what needed to be signed.  Thanks for all your support and help in this.

Have a great afternoon!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Happy Friday

Hi everyone, this will be short since I have to go to a meeting. 

I didn't assign any homework for the long week end.  They can get on Compass Learning and Study Island.  And please make them read!  :-)

Remember no school on Monday.  Have a great week end!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday, January 15

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
  • Math:  Wkst 174 (Equivalent Fractions)
  • Study for Spelling and GROW ( I won today's GROW review game that we play every Thursday.  That means that many students have not been studying their GROW questions through out the week.  Students definitely need to review the questions tonight.  :-)  )
Tomorrow is a half day and the official beginning of Color Wars.  Students may wear jeans along with a green top.  Please make sure the jeans have no holes in them and fit properly.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday, January 14

Hi everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
  • Spelling:  Unit 18 Workbook pages
  • Math: DWP (Daily Word Problems) Week 15
The second quarter is officially over today, and the third quarter begins tomorrow!  Can you believe this year is half over already?  Report cards will be coming home next week.

Also, don't forget that this Friday is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:15.

That's all for now.  Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday, January 13

Good afternoon, everyone!

Tonight's Homework:
  • Math:  Daily Word Problems - Friday (This is a performance task which means one problem with several parts.  Students must show all steps they took to solve the problem neatly and organized.)
  • Reading: Compass Learning for 30 min.
  • Social Studies:  Students have all questions for GROW Week 16.  They can begin studying.

I think that's it for now.  Have a great afternoon!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone!

And welcome back to my computer!  I was lost without it!  :-)

Tonight's Homework:
  • Spelling: Unit 18 sentences
  • Math: Daily Word Problems Week 14  (We have made these a contest between the groups.  Students get one point for each correct problem.  The group with the most points each day gets a small prize.)

Other Important Information:
  • The second quarter ends on Wednesday which means the third quarter will begin Thursday.  This Friday will be the first Spelling and GROW test of the new quarter.
  • This Friday is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:15 AM.